
Platão, also known as Plato in English, is one of the most influential philosophers of all time. His philosophy, especially his theory of forms or theory of ideas, has had a profound influence on Western thought. Plato believed in the existence of a higher level of reality, which he referred to as the world of forms or ideas. He argued that the tangible world we perceive with our senses is merely a shadow or reflection of this higher reality.

The theory of forms posits that the physical world is not as real or true as timeless, absolute, unchangeable ideas. According to Plato, these ideas, or forms, are the true reality, and are only perceivable through the mind. For instance, Plato would argue that beauty itself is a form or idea. While we can see and appreciate things that are beautiful, we cannot perceive beauty itself with our senses. We can only understand it with our minds.

Plato also believed that our souls are immortal and that they existed in the world of forms before being born into the physical world. In this sense, learning is not a process of acquiring new knowledge, but rather a process of recollection or remembering the knowledge our souls already possess. This concept is often referred to as anamnesis.

Furthermore, Plato's vision of a perfect society, as depicted in his work 'The Republic', is based on his theory of forms. He believed that a just society would be one in which every individual performs the role for which they are best suited, according to their abilities and talents. He divided his ideal society into three classes: the rulers, the auxiliaries, and the producers. The rulers, also known as philosopher-kings, are the ones who understand the forms and can therefore make wise decisions for the society.

Plato's vision of the physical world and the world of forms also extends to his understanding of human beings. He saw the body and the soul as two separate entities, with the soul being immortal and superior. He believed that the soul is divided into three parts: the rational, the spirited, and the appetitive. The rational part is concerned with truth and knowledge, the spirited part with honor and courage, and the appetitive part with desires and physical needs.

For Plato, the highest form of knowledge is philosophical wisdom, which involves understanding the forms and the nature of reality. He believed that the philosopher, who loves wisdom and seeks knowledge, is the most virtuous person. Plato's vision of philosophy is not just about abstract thought, but also about leading a good and moral life. He argued that virtue is the highest form of excellence and the ultimate goal of human life.

Plato's theory of forms has been the subject of much debate and criticism, but its influence on Western philosophy is undeniable. It has shaped our understanding of key concepts such as truth, beauty, and justice, and has inspired countless other philosophers and thinkers. Despite the complexity and abstract nature of his ideas, Plato's vision of a higher reality and a just society continues to resonate with many people today.

In conclusion, Plato's vision is a complex philosophical system that posits the existence of a higher reality beyond the physical world. It is a vision that values wisdom, virtue, and justice, and sees the philosopher as the ideal human being. While his ideas may be challenging to fully understand, they offer a profound and enduring perspective on the nature of reality, the purpose of human life, and the structure of a just society.


Plato, originally named Aristocles, was born in Athens or Aegina in 428 or 427 BC to an aristocratic family. He is widely recognized as one of the world's greatest philosophers and a foundational figure in Western Philosophy. His father, Ariston, was believed to be descended from the early kings of Athens. Perictione, his mother, was related to the 6th century BC lawmaker Solon. Plato had two older brothers, Adeimantus and Glaucon, and a sister, Potone. After his fathers death, his mother married her uncle, Pyrilampes, who was a friend of the statesman Pericles.

When Plato was a child, his parents provided him with the best teachers of his time. He was educated in philosophy, music, and gymnastics by the most distinguished Athenian teachers including the philosopher Cratylus, who was a student of Socrates. It was through Cratylus that Plato came to study with Socrates, who was to have a profound influence on his thought. Platos encounter with Socrates was a turning point in his life. He became a close associate of Socrates, remained his student for about eight years, and his philosophical dialogues serve as the most comprehensive accounts of Socrates to survive from antiquity.

After Socrates execution in 399 BC, Plato and other Socratic men took temporary refuge at Megara with Euclides. He then spent time travelling in southern Italy, Sicily, and Egypt. During his travels, he studied the science of the Pythagoreans in Italy and their influence can be seen in his later mathematical studies. In Sicily, he became friends with Dion, the brother-in-law of the tyrant of Syracuse, Dionysius I, and became involved in Sicilian political struggles, an involvement that led twice to his being sold into slavery and once to his almost being put to death.

In 387 BC, Plato returned to Athens and founded his own school, known as the Academy, the first ever university. The Academy was named after the legendary hero Academus and was located in a grove outside Athens. Here, Plato taught until his death in 348/347 BC. His most famous student was Aristotle, who studied at the Academy until Plato's death and who later founded his own school, the Lyceum. Plato's teachings formed the basis of Western philosophy and he introduced the world to the study of logic, ethics, rhetoric, mathematics, and science.

Plato was a prolific writer and his works are in the form of dialogues and epistles. His most famous work is 'The Republic', in which he outlines his vision of an ideal state. Other works include 'Phaedrus', 'Symposium', 'Phaedo', and the 'Laws'. His dialogues are still studied in every institution where philosophy is taught. His works cover a wide range of topics, from political theory and philosophy to metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics.

Plato's philosophy was largely influenced by his teacher, Socrates, as well as by the Pythagoreans, whose notions of numerical harmony have a clear influence on Plato's notion of the Demiurge (the craftsman god) in his cosmology. Plato's metaphysics, known as Platonism, posits the existence of two different kinds of reality: the visible world of sights and sounds that we inhabit and the intelligible world of Forms (Ideas) that stands above the visible world and gives it being. For Plato, the Forms were the only true objects of study, because they possess an eternal and unchanging truth.

Plato's moral and political philosophy is centered around the concept of justice, both individual justice and political justice. He believed that a just society is one in which each class performs its own function well without infringing on the activities of the other classes. Plato's ethics is centered around the concept of virtue, which he views as the highest form of excellence. He believed that the virtuous person is the happy person.

Plato's philosophy has had a profound influence on Western thought. His ideas have been used and interpreted in various ways by philosophers of every era. Despite the fact that he lived over 2400 years ago, his ideas remain relevant and are still studied to this day. His contributions to a range of subjects, from philosophy and science to mathematics and politics, have left an indelible mark on the intellectual landscape of the world.

Plato passed away in Athens at the age of 80 or 81. Although he never wrote his own philosophical system down, his teachings and ideas, preserved by his students, continue to influence thinkers and scholars around the world. His work is a testament to the power of ideas and the enduring value of philosophical inquiry.

Awards and Recognition

Plato, as one of the greatest philosophers of all time, did not receive awards and recognitions in the way we understand them today. However, his influence and recognition are timeless and permeate many aspects of our society. His teachings, books, and theories are his greatest legacy and are universally recognized in the field of philosophy, politics, and education.

His dialogues have been studied and analyzed over centuries, and are still considered some of the most important philosophical works. Plato's influence is immense, extending not only to every aspect of philosophy but also to almost all intellectual pursuits in the Western world. His ideas, particularly those expressed in his dialogues, have framed the way we think about many issues.

Plato's Academy, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world, is a testament to his recognition and influence. It attracted students from all over Greece, including Aristotle, who would become another of history's greatest philosophers. The Academy is considered a significant milestone in the history of education and its principles are still applied in educational institutions today.

Plato's theory of Forms, which suggests that non-physical forms represent the most accurate reality, has had a profound influence on metaphysics. It has been widely debated and analyzed, and has shaped many subsequent theories of reality and existence. His contributions to epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics are similarly influential and recognized.

Plato's impact on political theory is also significant. His work, The Republic, in which he outlines his vision of an ideal society, has been a touchstone for political thought for over two millennia. His ideas on justice, leadership, and the role of the state continue to resonate in political discourse today.

In the realm of literary arts, Plato's dialogues are lauded not only for their philosophical content but also for their literary merit. His use of dramatic elements and his development of characters provide a compelling context for his philosophical ideas, making his works appealing to a wide audience.

Plato's influence extends to religious thought as well. His ideas about the soul and the afterlife, as well as his moral philosophy, have shaped many religious doctrines and practices. His thoughts on the immortality of the soul, in particular, have had a profound impact on Christian theology.

While Plato may not have received awards and recognitions in his time, his enduring influence attests to his recognition as a towering figure in the history of human thought. His works continue to be studied, debated, and admired, and his ideas continue to shape our understanding of the world and our place in it.

Plato's recognition is not confined to academic circles. His ideas have permeated popular culture, featuring in films, books, and art. His thought-provoking dialogues and timeless wisdom continue to inspire and challenge us, making him a universally recognized figure in intellectual history.

In conclusion, while Plato may not have been awarded in the conventional sense, his influence and recognition are immeasurable. His profound philosophical contributions have shaped the trajectory of human thought, and his enduring legacy continues to influence a wide array of disciplines. Plato's influence is a testament to his recognition and his place in the annals of history.


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Plato was a philosopher in ancient Greece, known for his dialogues and for founding the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world.
City of Residence
Known For
Founder of the Platonist school of thought and the Academy, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world
428/427 BC
Social Media/Website
Company Name
The Academy
Taught by Socrates
Personal Details
Pupil of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle, Plato is a central figure in Western philosophy
Regarded as one of the world's greatest philosophers